An Academy and Church Partnership
Our Values
Values – Our central Christian values are Friendship, Respect and Trust.
We embrace 6 Biblical values that underpin our vision. Each term has a main value focus however all of our values are frequently revisited through our celebration collective worship.
Term 1 = Responsibility
Term 2 = Friendship
Term 3 = Respect
Term 4 = Trust
Term 5 = Perseverance
Term 6 = Courage
Academy and church links
We pride ourselves on the deep and long-standing Academy and Church links that we have and recognise their mutual benefit to all stakeholders.
Every year Y3 & Y4 hold their Harvest Performance for parents at Holy Trinity Church and later in the school year Y5 deliver their Easter Story performance there. Our community carol service is held at St Mary’s and we contribute to the Christmas Tree Festival held there in December.
Members of staff and various pupils also participate in key services at Holy Trinity such as Harvest, Christmas Eve, Mothering Sunday.
The school choir and members of staff annually participate in the Advent service at Lydney URC Church.
The Head Boy and Head Girl and members of staff also annually attend the Remembrance Service in the town.
Classes visit Holy Trinity from time to time to enhance their learning and some year groups visit Gloucester Cathedral alongside visits to places of worship linked to other faiths.
Y6 attend the Leavers Service at Gloucester Cathedral.
The local Open the Book team regularly participate in and lead Collective Worship sessions.
Members of local churches and the Open The Book team are regularly invited to help support and facilitate children’s learning, reflection and exploration whilst they are engaging with the various activities.
Various members of clergy and charities are invited in and take part in Collective Worship from time to time.
Members of a wide variety of local churches contribute from time to time in RE lessons to help deepen pupils’ understanding, to develop greater curiosity and to further open up lines for pupil enquiry.
Some members of our Governing Body regularly attend local churches.