The curriculum ‘is a framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge and skills to be gained at each stage (intent); for translating that framework over time into a structure and narrative, within an institutional context (implementation); and for what knowledge and understanding students have gained against expectations (impact). EIF January 2019
‘Growing a brighter future together’ is the vision at Primrose Hill C of E and is fundamental to our curriculum design and all of our decision making. We have considered what key skills and knowledge we want the children to know by the end of year 6 and have built a progressive curriculum around core concepts. Each subject area has identified core concepts which are revisited in every area of study e.g. a core concept in history is invasion and this concept is revisited in every year group through different lenses e.g. Romans or Vikings.
We are highly aspirational for all of our pupils and want them to be aware of the wealth of careers available to them. We want them to strive to reach their full potential and realise that a bright future is worth working hard for. The children can achieve all they dream of and we will provide the skills and knowledge required to open doors for future learning, secondary school and beyond.
The curriculum we teach meets all of the national curriculum expected coverage and runs alongside our ‘life in all its fullness’ curriculum which provides children will the necessary values and mind set to achieve all they set out to do.
Statements of Intent
English | It is our intent that teaching English will improve pupils’ communication skills and enable them to access knowledge across the whole primary curriculum. They will be fluent, confident readers who can comprehend and understand a wide range of texts. They will be able to communicate effectively and creatively through spoken and written language, equipping them with the skills to be lifelong communicators. |
Maths | It is our intent that the maths curriculum will ensure that pupils become increasingly fluent with whole numbers, the four operations, (including number facts) and the concept of place value to enable individuals to use number in everyday situations and reason and problem solve in a variety of contexts. |
Science | It is our intent for the science curriculum to develop the pupil's curiosity about the world, enjoyment of scientific activity and understanding of how natural phenomena can be explained. |
Geography | It is our intent that the Geography curriculum will ensure pupils understand their place in the world and their responsibility for maintaining it. |
History | It is our intent that the History curriculum will enable pupils to understand the chronology of important historic events and the impact they had, and still have, on our lives today. |
RE | It is our intent that the RE curriculum will enable children to understand different beliefs, religions and diversity and to have an acceptance of all. |
PE | It is our intent for the PE Curriculum to deliver high quality lessons that inspire our pupils to participate and succeed in sport. We want our pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health, wellbeing and fitness, and promotes a lifelong healthy lifestyle. |
Art | It is our intent that the Art curriculum develops the ability for pupils to use a variety of materials and styles to respond to existing artistic pieces and to have skills and creativity to create their own. |
DT | It is our intent that the DT curriculum develops the ability of pupils to follow steps to create a refined outcome/product that meets the needs of a given set of requirements. |
Music | It is our intent that the Music curriculum will enable learning through the medium of sound. Music is at the heart of spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning. Pupils will be able to develop confidence, resilience and empathy through performing and through the creativity of sound. |
Computing | It is our intent that pupils understand computing technologies in order to live and work in an increasingly digital world including keeping safe on line. |
RSE | It is our intent that the RSE curriculum will develop pupil's confidence and good self-esteem to enable individuals to make the most of their abilities, to recognise their own worth, and to develop positive and fulfilling relationships with other members of the school and the wider community. |
Forest School | It is our intent that Forest School will provide pupils with an opportunity to challenge themselves; build self esteem; develop resilience in a secure, safe and stimulating outside environment. Pupils will experience the outdoors in all weathers and seasons and learn to understand the importance of the natural world through hands-on and practical experiences which will foster a love and respect of the environment. Forest School will equip children with skills that are transferrable into all areas of pupils lives. |
The curriculum is taught through a combination of published schemes and curriculums that have been created by subject leaders at Primrose Hill. The curriculum is progressive and conceptually coherent so that learning is deepened and progress is secured over time.
Our knowledge rich curriculum design is based on the following key principles:
- Subject disciplines – We teach all subjects as individual subjects and talk to the children about the skills and knowledge needed to be an enthusiastic and skilful artist, sportsperson, mathematician, writer, reader, linguist, scientist, musician, historian, geographer and designer. Children are exposed to many career choices and the skills and knowledge they need e.g. we are scientists and these are the skills scientists use.
- Core concepts – each curriculum area has identified core concepts which are revisited in every area of study e.g. a core concept in history is invasion and this concept is revisited in every year group through different lenses e.g. Romans or Vikings.
- The curriculum at Primrose Hill C of E is arranged over 39 weeks of the year and curriculum areas are blocked into weekly or fortnighly units. This enables the children to delve deeper into subject areas and gain a deeper understanding before moving on. It also enables staff to provide detailed feedback, which the children can act quickly upon, in order for them to make better progress.
- Each curriculum area is built on and revisited throughout the primary curriculum e.g a science topic could initially be taught in year 1, built on in year 3 and built on further in year 5. To ensure children can recall previous knowledge we provide daily low stakes quizzes. This strengths the childrens recall of key knowledge therefore providing a firm foundation on which to build subsequent learning.
- Each sequence of learning has a purpose and audience. We have designed a curriculum framework that helps children to understand themselves and the world around them through contextualise links which are purposeful and meaningful for all children.
Alongside our academic curriculum, at Primrose Hill we offer an ‘Enrichment Program’ as part of our life in all its fullness offer. Enrichment exposes pupils to a rich tapestry of opportunities that will shape choices, develop pride and confidence as well as prepare pupils for their next steps in life.
The impact and measure of our curriculum is to secure progression throughout each subject to ensure that children at Primrose Hill Church of England Academy are equipped with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world.
DGAT curriculum statement (PDF)