School Uniform
- Green sweatshirt or cardigan with or without logo
- White polo shirt or school shirt
- Grey skirt/pinafore dress/trousers/shorts (not leggings)
- Green and white or yellow and white checked/striped summer dress
- White or grey socks; black, green or grey tights
- Black shoes or boots (Trainers on P.E. days)
Logo Uniform
Mapac supply our logo uniform – click on this link to order Mapac – Schoolwear, Workwear, Sportswear, Promotional Products or Art Supplies. Quality, innovation and value since 1955
Delivery is free to school.
P.E. Uniform
The children must have a school P.E. kit. This is worn on their P.E. days in place of their usual school uniform with a suitable pair of trainers. P.E. uniform is:
- Black jumper or school jumper
- Plain house colour T-shirt
- Navy or Black tracksuit bottoms
- Navy or Black shorts
- Trainers or daps
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly named.
For health and safety reasons pupils must not wear: High heels or platforms, open toed sandals, fashion shoes, flip flops or ‘Croc’ style shoes.
Pupils with pierced ears may have small, discrete stud earrings only with one earring only per ear. Earrings must be taken out for all forms of PE (children will therefore need to have a container to store earrings). Where ears have been recently pierced then studs can be kept in but must be covered by Micropore (or similar) tape. Children must bring their own tape for this purpose. After a maximum of six weeks from the ear piercing children must remove earrings for PE. Children must be able to take out and replace their own earrings.
Watches are permitted but must be removed for PE lessons. No other jewellery is allowed.
Whilst it is impossible to give a definitive guide, ‘extreme’ hairstyles or very bright hair colourings are not allowed. Pupils must not have coloured hair or designs shaved into their hair. They must not wear hair extensions. As a general guide, if the pupil’s hair is long enough to be tied then it should be tied.
Girls must wear a one piece swimming costume. Boys must wear trunks or ‘short’ swimming shorts. Baggy shorts or Bermuda style shorts are not allowed. Pupils with long hair must wear a swimming hat or have their hair tied back.
Hats or caps to protect children from the effect of the sun are encouraged in the summer. In addition, we recommend that parents ensure that sunscreen is applied before school. In cold conditions hats, gloves/mittens and scarves may be appropriate.
If pupils wear a belts, they should be dark in colour.
Nail varnish, false nails or make up are not allowed.
Coats and jackets
Waterproof coats or appropriate jackets should be worn by pupils on the way to and from school in cool or wet weather as well as at school break-times. Reversible jackets with the school logo are available from our own uniform supplier if parents wish to purchase these. Wherever possible, we try to encourage pupils to spend time outdoors during playtimes, including during particularly cold conditions or light rain. A coat or appropriate jacket is therefore vital.
Naming items of clothing
All clothing must be clearly named to minimise the risk of losing items. This is the parent’s responsibility. Please see a link to a website which generates funds for the academy
Non-compliance with policy
‘One off’, unavoidable situations: Where pupils have to come to school without a part of their school uniform (child’s shoes have broken the previous day and he/she has to wear trainers for a day so that replacement can be purchased, for example) then we ask parents to contact us on the day to confirm the reason.
Persistent non-compliance: The Head Teacher may contact the parent directly to discuss the matter. Continued non observance of the policy will result in formal contact by letter.
Second Hand uniform
Our wonderful Friends of Primrose Hill have a supply of second-hand uniform for sale. If there is anything you need please let the friends know and they will check for you.