The Local Governing Board
Primrose Hill C of E Primary Academy is an Academy within the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust (DGAT). The Trustees of DGAT have overall legal responsibility for all the schools in the trust, but they delegate powers and responsibilities with respect to the governance of each school to its governing board and Headteacher.
The governing board is formally called a ‘Local Governing Board’, and is a committee of the Board of Trustees that reports to and is accountable to the Board of Trustees under a scheme of delegation of governance functions.
The Governor’s Roles
As in any school, the governors play an important role in the management of the school. The full governing board meets at least once a term (6 times a year) and all of the work is completed in these meetings rather than in small committees. Minutes of meetings are available to view on request from the school office.
The school has an active Governing Board which is comprised of staff, parents, foundation and community representatives. The governors have three main roles – Strategic planning, Monitoring and Finances.
Strategic Planning
The Governors plan with the staff leadership team for the strategic development and improvement of the school. This is both physically, with regard to the development of the site and facilities, as well as the development of the school ethos and the curriculum. They set the school aims, policies and ring fenced budget together with the Headteacher.
The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.
The Governing Board:
- is accountable for the performance of the school;
- plans the future direction of the school;
- selects the Headteacher and staff;
- makes decisions on the school’s ring fenced budget (PP and Sports premium) and staffing;
- ensures that the National Curriculum is taught;
- decides how the school can encourage the pupils’ spiritual, moral and cultural development and ensures that the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special education needs.
The Governors support, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school. This involves setting the policy framework for the school and monitoring the implementation of policies as managed and carried out by the Headteacher and staff, as well as holding the school to account for the standards achieved and the quality of education provided.
The Governors hold the school to account for the handling of its finances, which includes both planning for long term spending and setting and monitoring the annual budget and funds.
Governors welcome constructive feedback and ideas about the strategic direction of the school. Please note that Governors do not get involved in the day-to-day functioning of the school, and it is not appropriate to contact Governors about individual children. For these requests, please either contact your class teacher or a member of the senior leadership team.
If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors this can be done through
Mr. Tim Davies | Chair of Governors. Foundation Governor. Term of office 28th November 2022 to 31st October 2026. Experience of corporate governance (NHS). Currently working as a practice manager. Army Officer for 32 years. Passion for history, geography and outdoor education. |
Mrs. Emma Mignaud | Head Teacher (Ex-Offico). I joined the school in September 2019 as the Headteacher. I have been teaching for over 20 years in a range of different schools and localities, including overseas. I am passionate about supporting children to be the best they can be in both their academic and personal achievements. I am always interested in feedback from families and welcome suggestions on how to improve the school. You can find me on the gate before and after school if you need to speak to me. Alternatively, you can contact me via email at or via the school office. |
Mrs. Sara Sleeman | Foundation Governor. Term of office 1st November 2023 to 31st October 2027. I joined the Local Governing Board in 2021. I am the governor responsible for safeguarding, science and PE. I currently have one child who attends Primrose Hill C of E who is in year 5. I have over 30 years of experience in policing, working for Gloucestershire Police. Most of my career was spent in front line policing. I was a bronze in public order, planning for protests and football matches. I spent time with the Police Service of Northern Ireland policing the Orange Parades and associated public order. My final role within policing was as an inspector in charge of duty planning for the constabulary. I was also heavily involved in Gloucestershire Police response to the COVID pandemic. Due to my policing experience I have been involved in many safeguarding cases. I am now a foster carer and have three long term foster children. I also have three adult children and one grandchild. I look forward to meeting you and your children. |
Mrs Anita King | Co-opted Governor. Term of office 5th April 2022 to 4th April 2026. I joined the Local Governing Board as a co-opted governor in March 2022. I am the governor responsible for Early Years, SEND and History. I have worked for Gloucestershire county Council for 13 years. My background is in early years and SEND but I currently work in children's Services. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and working with staff and children. |
Mr Jamie Gillies | Parent Governor. Term of office 10th November 2023 to 9th November 2027. I joined the Local Governing Board as a Parent Governor in 2023. I have a background in research and data, with degrees in Geological Science specialising in Cosmochemistry and Meteoritics. In 2018 I left academia and turned my hand to finance in the Civil Service, working across ministerial departments including HM Treasury, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Defence, before leaving the public sector in 2023 to work as an analyst in financial services for a FTSE 100 company. I'm passionate about data and developing core skills to enable others to lead varied academic and career pathways. This all starts at primary school where these foundation skills are embedded and interests flourish. I hope to use my role as a Parent Governor to represent all views and support the school with my expertise in finance and data. |
Greg Elliot | Parent Governor. Term of office 7th March 2023 to 6th March 2027. I joined the local governing board in 2023. I am the governor responsible for pupil premium. I have 2 children at Primrose Hill School. I moved to Lydney in 2017, having previously lived in various locations around the country. I work in research and development, and my background is in physics. |
Rev. David Gardiner | Foundation Governor (Ex-Offico). I have been the Vicar of Lydney, Alvington, Aylburton, and Woolaston since November 2019 I have been involved in school foundation governance since 2008, working with infant, junior, and secondary schools. Before ordination, I was employed as a Learning Support Worker (teaching assistant) in a primary school, working with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator for children in years 2-5. My background is in English literature and language, and Drama. I am the link governor for RE and Music. |
Miss. Alex Davies | Staff Governor. Term of office 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2024. I joined Primrose Hill in 2018 as an NQT. I have taught in a range of years from year 1 – 6. I currently teach year 6 and am responsible for History. I am also a qualified Forest School practitioner and take each class for Forest School. I am passionate about outdoor education, History and English. I joined our local governing body in 2021 and I am enjoying offering a staff perspective to discussions and challenges. I am keen to further develop our school and engage with opportunities to grow a brighter future for our pupils. |
Sarah Lorkin | Clerk to Governors |
If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please talk to one of us, the Headteacher or the Clerk to the Governors.
Governors who have left the LGB in the last 12 months.
Katherine Clamp’s term of office ended on 31st march 2024
Jayne Sargent’s term of office ended on 17th November 2023