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Our Academy

Growing A Brighter Future Together Illustration

Our Christian values underpin the work we do at Primrose Hill C of E and all children are given opportunities to grow and develop in line with our values. The values are explicitly taught through our Collective Worship program, our ‘Life in all its fullness’ program as well as through daily interactions with the children.

Each term we focus closely on one of our twelve values and carefully weave the value into all aspects of school life including into our daily language. Each value is based on Christian Scripture and is planned to develop well rounded and morally strong pupils with a strong sense of self and a clear understanding of their place in the world. They will have the ability to understand, shape, control and make decisions in their life, at and beyond school, to ensure they have a brighter future. Spiritual growth is important and the values are the roots that enable their sense of self and place to flourish. We recognise and celebrate the values and award postcards to children and adults who are demonstrating the values in their everyday actions.

Trust, respect and friendship are the core values at Primrose Hill C of E and every interaction is modelled on these values. Children learn from observing positive interactions which strengthens their ability to influence and make good choices about their own lives now and in the future.

The vehicles we will use to enable our children to reach their potential are: the curriculum; daily Collective Worship; our relationships with the children and their families and the school’s impact in the community and on the wider world.


At Primrose Hill C of E, we have considered what key skills and knowledge we want the children to know by the end of year 6 and have built a progressive curriculum around core concepts.

Each subject area has identified core concepts which are revisited in every area of study e.g. a core concept in history is invasion and this concept is revisited in every year group through different lenses e.g. Romans or Vikings.

We are highly aspirational for all of our pupils and want them to be aware of the wealth of careers available to them. We want them to strive to reach their full potential and realise that a bright future is worth working hard for. The children can achieve all they dream of and we will provide the skills and knowledge required to open doors for future learning.

The curriculum we teach meets all of the national curriculum expected coverage and runs alongside our character education curriculum which provides children will the necessary values and mind set to achieve all they set out to do.

Collective Worship

We have a daily Collective Worship where the whole school comes together in the hall. During worship, we read stories to help us explore a value or a moral; sing songs or hymns; reflect and participate in quiet thought and enjoy coming together as a whole school community.

From the hall window, we can see the spire of St Mary’s church in Lydney when we meet for Collective Worship. This brings us closer to our local parish of St Mary’s and Holy Trinity.

During worship we focus on our worship table and light three candles during the liturgy. This provides a focal point as we gather as a whole community for collective worship and reflection.

We have a school prayer that we say or sing to music. The prayer is based on the inspirational words of John Wesley.

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can

Worship is led by a range of different people including: SLT, Teachers, Open the Book and the children.

Community and the wider world

At Primrose Hill C of E Primary Academy, we want our children to be excellent citizens of their local community and the wider world.

We want to instil in them a sense of who they are and their place in the wider world. The children will have self-agency and be able to make informed decisions now, and into adulthood, due to a clear awareness of their role to play in their community and the wider world. Through the ‘life in all its fullness’ program the children will partake in activities to improve their local community e.g. litter picks, singing at events or other community enhancement initiatives. They will also have the opportunity to engage in wider world issues and play their part in improving the world for us all.


We believe that good relationships and mutual respect underpin all of our work at Primrose Hill C of E.

We build good relationships with our families and work together to ensure each child reaches their full potential. Our pastoral leader supports children and their families through regular contact to ensure the child is thriving at home and school. The teaching staff engage with families through our open door policy to support academic achievement enabling all children to reach their full potential. Relationships between children and adults within school are excellent; all interactions are modelled on our core values of respect and friendship.

Growing a brighter future together

Our vision is ‘Growing a brighter future together’ and we want all of our children to leave Primrose Hill with every door open to them.

We want them to be confident individuals who have a clear sense of self and their place in the world and understand that a brighter future is worth working hard and fighting for. We want them to be ambitious in their decisions and realise the sky is the limit and there is a big world out there for them to explore. We want them to be curious about the world around them and take joy from everything it has to offer whether that’s in the local area or further afield. We want our children to be creative and embrace life in all its fullness including appreciation for the natural world or that of the arts.

We achieve our vision through our curriculum and high aspirations for the children and our Christian Distinctiveness including our values, worship and ‘life in all its fullness’ program.

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