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Our Vision Statement:

Growing a Brighter Future Together

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

Theological Roots

Jeremiah was known as the weeping Prophet.  He was sent by God to a crumbling nation to warn them of their impending demise.  His message was one of repentance and restoration; he wanted people to change and follow God’s path in order to give them hope and a future.  At Primrose Hill C of E, we want all of our children to leave the school on the right path – one that will give them a bright future.  We want our children to choose the path of courageous advocacy and stand up for what they believe in and provide a voice for good.  We want our children to understand that they can all choose the right path in their academic endeavours and through hard work a bright future will be theirs.  We want our children to be good citizens of their community and the world and follow the path of God’s wishes, providing them with hope of a bright future.

Our Christian Values

Hands up with heart symbolWe strive for all children to leave Primrose Hill with a well-developed sense of who they are and their place in their community and wider world. 

They will leave here with the academic knowledge and skills in order to achieve all of their ambitions in the next stage of their education and beyond.  Through our Christian values, the children will learn to be the best person they can. Their future will be bright.

We have six Christian values that underpin our work and provide the roots of our vision and underpin all that we do. We recognise that these values are also important to other faiths and cultures and those of no faith.

Our values are displayed around the school and are linked to our reward system. We learn about stories from the Bible that demonstrate these values and how they can help us all to develop our own understanding of how we can live out these values through our own actions. Children who model the values earn a celebration postcard in our celebration collective worship on Friday.

Respect – we treat others as we would want to be treated and take care of property and the environment.

Trust – we can be relied upon to carry out all tasks properly and to support one another.

Friendship – We show care, courtesy and consideration towards others at all times.

Responsibility – we are all responsible for one another as well as ourselves

Courage – we try our hardest and we are brave even when we find things difficult.

Perseverance – we keep trying our hardest even when things are difficult.

Growing A Brighter Future Together
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