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Our Performance

Assessment and Results

The school undertakes a regular series of internal and external testing in order to establish that your child is making satisfactory progress.

During the first half term of starting school, your child will complete the national baseline assessment. The children complete a 1:1 assessment with a known adult which indicates the starting point of their education journey.  From September 2021, progress will be measured from this assessment.

Towards the end of Year 1, children will undertake a Phonics Screening Check provided by the government.

Towards the end of Year 4, children will complete the multiplication tables check provided by the government.

At the end of  Year 6, the children will be assessed using nationally administered tests.  These take place in the month of May.  Results are communicated with parents towards the end of the academic year.

On-going Assessment

Teachers continually assess the children in their class against the national curriculum.

Schools report on pupil achievement against Age Related Expectations for Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

Standards at Primrose Hill C Of E Primary Academy 2022-2023

EYFS Good Level of Development

Primrose HillNational - 2024
Good Level of Development GLD87%TBC


Phonics Screening% of Y1 pupils% of Y2 pupils
Primrose Hill93%97%
National 202480%89%

Attainment at the end of KS2

READING TESTWRITINGMATHS TESTReading, writing and maths combinedGrammar, Punctuation & spelling TEST
% reaching the expected standard EXS81%71%
National % EXS 202474%72%73%59%72%
% Reaching Greater Depth19%13%10%7%19%
National % Greater Depth 2024TBCTBCTBCTBCTBC

To find out how our school performance compares with other schools in England go to the Department for Education website:

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